Last night I received a text from my friend who coordinates substitutes and was asked if I could come in. I was more than happy to say yes. The school is a private, special education focused high school and I love the students. Classes are small (4-7 students has been the average so far) and it just feels right teaching there. Over the last year since I've been out of school I've done a lot of IT related free lancing from building websites to writing technical manuals and it's nice to go in and work with people in a setting like this.
Today I subbed for a science teacher so my classes ranged from chemistry to forensics. The students were all working on papers, however, so no crime lab investigations happened. Darn it! There was a cute, albeit skinny fellow, who stood watch over me as I guided the students in the fine art of citing sources in a science paper.
After school got out my husband had good news for me. My birthday is in February (another post about our Star Trek related experiences is forthcoming) and usually his parents give me something small. Well, they told me they were getting me something special, but the company they ordered it from delivered it to the wrong address. Finally, today it arrived. Wow. I was a floored. They got me a Nook Tablet. My birthday gifts this year were amazing.
However, I was not to use the Nook yet. Instead, I decided to walk to the university library with my husband as he had a group project that required a meeting. Ouch, my joints! The weather is slightly cold here and very damp, so not good for aches and pains. I really wanted to see him though. He works and is at school all the time and since he's my best friend it's hard being away from him so much.
Luckily the library rotunda has some comfy seating with footrests.
After what seemed like forever he was finally done and we walked home. I made us some barbecue tofu and fired up the Nook. Wow. It's amazing. I am in love with it. Books are wonderful and I believe first, and foremost in paper books, but I know this Nook is going to save me on days I'm ill. Plus, I also am a tech junkie.
I made my first e-book purchase, ever! I got Lords of Chaos about the black metal related church burnings amongst other things. The Satanic part of the title is misleading since many of the original black metal folks were devoted to the Norse Pantheon (a subject I'm fascinated with). I've wanted to read this for quite awhile, so we'll see how it is. I have so many books going right now.
Whew. Now I'm ready for bed!
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