Monday, October 31, 2011

Alice Madness Returns

On the second night of our Halloween weekend (which I am now paying for in pain) we attended a party hosted by my friend who was my maid of honor and dressmaker for our gothy wedding.  She's the manager of a video game store and some of her employees were there in video game costumes. I wore one too!

I'm in an Alice Madness Returns costume. I love the Xbox 360 game and the original game, American McGee's Alice.  The game is based on Alice in Wonderland and your get to play as Alice and use such awesome weapons as a pepper mill gun.  Basically any game that comes out with a female lead or the option of playing a female character I buy. 

Here's the character from the game. I think I make a good Alice and one of my middle names is Alice, so...


  1. Pepper mill gun?! Oh that sounds like my kind of a game too! Wish I had this game console damn it.

  2. Oh and your costume totally rocked it, very creative and looks just like the game. I had no idea there were so many games for girls and women, thank you for letting me know. Kind of tired of typical Duke Nukem testosterone games.
