Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time Capsule Posting

I've decided to start going through my old pictures and posting some of them from time to time because I can honestly say that my life started having good memories instead of bad in late 2006 when I left my ex-husband.

Soon I was living in a, let's be honest, abysmal attic with my new boyfriend and now husband. However, I loved my new life. I left everything behind when I left the ex from most of my possessions that I had worked two or three jobs to earn to my car. It didn't matter. I was free. To understand that you'd have to hear a long, awful back story of the first two decades of my life. I'll spare you. Perhaps the time to tell will be someday, but not now.

This picture sums up my new life. It was taken in January 2007 and you can see how happy I am. My luck has changed for the first time ever. It's a small thing, but I won a contest. I had entered contest after contest for years and not won. (Well, chance contests, I'd won some writing awards over the years).

Night of the Living Dorks is a ridiculous German zombie movie. I speak German and so it was cool to win it. Alice Cooper was giving it away on his website. Just a few months prior Dustin had gone to see Alice Cooper and I remember him telling me what happened the next day, back when were just friends. I had really wanted to go to the concert, but was still in the process of leaving the ex and getting ready to move out for a few weeks to see how it went. The ex was nothing like me and with nothing in common I found it hard to do the things I liked.

In contrast this photo shows a happy young woman who has made some hard choices to live the life she wants. I'm surrounded by the symbols of that life: music, rebellion, art (behind me by Robin McQuay)....

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